RCA 44 BX For Sale
NBC 44BX microphone flag is NOT for sale. It is pictured to show you that
include in the microphone sale is a blank flag that you can have
imprinted in any manner you wish.
These 44BX flags were the favorite of the NBC radio network and simply slide over the sides of the 44.
The American Pioneer Broadcasters are currently only willing to sell the microphone pictured here and one other. One of these is being held for a buyer who is raising the funds.
The classic, collectors, Neumann U 67s are available and will be photographed and offered at a later date. If you are interested in the 77DX, Altec 639s, or the Classic Neumann U 67 microphones or if you have any question about this 44BX being offered for sale, email the American Pioneer Broadcasters by clicking the email link below.
Thanks for your interest.
Tom Read
American Pioneer Broadcasters